Hi all,
Sorry I haven't posted, my computer (actually AOL) got a bug and I have had a mess! Sooo. Baby Bella, sorry it didn't join in on your wonderful baby shower..but just wait I have a wonderful pic for you! And so sorry gals about White Wednesday If it's okay I will post hopefully tomorrow. My son-in-law is helping me out and keep your fingers crossed I'll be up and running by tomorrow! I am visiting my daughter today so am using her computer, but all my pics are in my computer (I hope...yikes!!) Any way thanks for all the wonderful comments and we'll be back in business soon
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Here's one more glimpse of my area..the first 4 photos,
hope you enjoy!

Look how cute Matilda is in her "recycled" bed. Matildas "theme" this month was recycling...Green Acres at Matildas Barn. She is bedded in an old goat cart. Next is a picture of Marla (Matildas Mom), then how absolutely fabulous the outside of the barn looks with recycled architectural elements, and finally an antique large farm sink on top of a large farm table...very cool!
Friday, July 24, 2009
This month I am showing you the balance of the talented people at Matildas. First is Karen, this month she brought in fabulous vintage clothing, hats, jewelry, etc. She even has a line of blouses that have portions of old tablecloths sew on them...they're really cool. Next is Sue and her husband Mike. This month they brought in the most amazing English pine stepback hutch..Mike is actually standing next to it. The fourth picture is Lunette. She has some many wonderful Industrial items in her area this month. The most impressive piece is this great old work bench that would make a fab center island! I'm off to grand dog sit...Blackjack the "famous" bulldog...I will be posting pictures of the barn tomorrow and wait til you see Matilda (and her Mom) so cute...ta ta
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sorry I didn't get these posted on Wednesday, like I said I would, but I worked at the barn until 1:00 a.m. getting ready for the sale on Friday. I had so much more to do that I thought...yikes! Anyway, I took lots of pictures, but most of them were so out of focus, it would have made you crazy!! Here a just a few from my area. Tomorrow is opening day, so I'll take lots more pictures...hopfully I can get the focus thing down.. I will be featuring the other three very talented gals at the barn, along with, of course Matilda and her mom. I apologize if some of you tried to leave comments, but couldn't...I'm on dial-up, baby and it takes me hours just to load a few pics. We live way in the country so it is what I have to deal with..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
For White Wednesday I was going to do some picture of the shop, but since it is sooooo very hot, I've only been working at the barn in the late evening. I will still post barn pictures...many white photos..but not until late tonight, so it will be Thursday for many of you. In the time being, here are some more pictures of the inside of my home. Hope you all have a super day!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
This is my second guest bedroom. There is a mix of white, pink, green and dark wood. It gets morning sun, so it is light and bright. I'm off to work at the barn for our Matilda's show that is this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 5:00
. I still have much to do. I'm going to try and take some preview pictures tonight or Wednesday. Have a Great Day!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Since I am going to show white on White Wednesday
, I decided to show you today some of the darker pieces of furniture that I have intermingled with all my white pieces in my house. These breakfronts are two of my most favorite pieces. The darker fancier Victorian piece is next to my master bathroom. I keep towels and linens in the cupboard below and sea shells and bottles on top. The other breakfront is in my living room. It is a more primitive walnut piece. I love the chunkiness of it. The spaniel sits on the floor next to this piece. More statues..hmm maybe I have a little obsession here, ya think?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Today I am adding pictures of my dining area. Actually, my living and dining area are shared spaces. The walls of most of my house are done in tongue and groove wood. Most of the doors and windows are from an English manor in England. With the walls being so dark, white and/or cool color furniture works well, at least I think so. The statue in the planter is my absolute favorite. She used to have a place on my piano, but, unfortunately about a month ago one of the farrow cats from the ranch next to us found its way into my home (through and open window) and my "guard" kitties chased the farrow cat across my living room, on top of my piano,,,yep you guessed it. My lovely statue came tumbling down, humpty dumpty style. She sat on my dining table for about 3 weeks while I mourned her demise. Then I had a revelation. Why not stick her in my urn...so there you have it. The other lady statue in front of the arched window I purchased some time ago at http://matildasmouse.com/. The window was a flea market find from Irvine College Flea Mart. On top of the china cabinet is my newest addition of the religious statues that I collect. It is a beautiful statue of the infant Jesus. He was a much surprised birthday gift from a friend. Inside the cabinet I have a collection of smaller infant Jesus statues. Hmmm, seems like I do like my statues. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my dining area. I am saving my livingroom for White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen at http://fadedcharmcottage.blogspot.com/ P.S. I just had to edit this post, cause I just realized that my little featherweight sewing machine is sitting on my dining table..talk about house blindness! Oh, well, needless to say I am in the middle of doing my projects for this month's barn sale at Matildas......
Friday, July 17, 2009
Retreat for My Guests
Today I am posting some more pictures of my smaller guest room. The room has a retreat feel to it..at least that what my guests always say. From the window you see out to our pond and oak trees. It is really quite calming. I have a love for old religious statues. This room has a number of St. Theresa's in it. When I post my other rooms you will see more in each room. My oldest grand daughter, Savannah's Saint for her first Communion was St. Theresa. My next oldest granddaughter, Holly for her first Communion chose St. Anne, and my youngest granddaughter (youngest until October, that is) Tabatha is very connected with Our Lady of Fatima. Tabatha and her mom and dad traveled to Our Lady of Fatima when she was 2. The hand under the cloche is a form that has the glove from my third great aunt's wedding (in 1868) along with a pin that she wore on her headpiece. It means alot to me that I am blessed to be a caretaker of so many of my family's heirlooms. I do hope you enjoy my home, I do so love it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Small Glimpse
I decided since I'm not quite ready to show all the amazing things that are going on at Matildas Mouse for this month's barn sale, I would show you ,what a number of people have asked me to do,...show my house. This is one of my guest bedrooms. It is a very small room so I decide to cozy the full bed up against the wall and drape it. The architecatural items on the ceiling are actually pieces from a fireplace surround. After securing them to the ceiling I stapled this wonderful fabric that has birds on it to the architectural pieces. It is actually a very light sage green and cream. I was about to show more angles, when...my battery went dead! Can you believe it! Well, guess this is a little tease again..camera issues again ho hum...Gotta run for the day so I will finish taking pictures and post later.

White Wednesdays

Got home from working at the barn and found that Kathleen, per my request added me today to her White Wednesdays. I'm so excited for this wonderful idea of sharing collections of white! I'm afraid I am ill prepared however! I'm adding my contribution of white, but with an unusual twist...this is Blackjack, my grand-dog. I promise, next Wednesday I'll be a little more traditional..maybe.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday morning we were off to the ROSE BOWL in Pasadena, CA. High on adrenaline we drove for two hours along with thousands of other anxious buyers. Accordingly we decided not to go early as most vendors aren't set up until 9:00 a.m. (according to the web site...bunk! ) That's another part of this story. Any whoo, Once we got inside the gates and figured where all the goodies were, we soon realized that it was getting hot, oh my gosh, so hot, NO,I mean ,oh, my gosh ,oh, my gosh really really HOT! No kiddin' that black top probably reached 130 degrees! And get this they were sold out of water...how the heck does that happen?!! But do not dis pare, being the die-hard shoppers we are, we did bring our own really really big jugs of ice water, so we forged on and walla,... scored! We power shopped for three hours in that heat, but the hard part of course was going back and picking up everything and then loading it...oops.. then re-loading it cause that darn piece that we thought would fit, of course didn't. It wouldn't have been so bad...but that heat, WOW! Any way next time, we'll consider going in with all those early birds, cause we found out that when it is hot out all the vendors are set up early, really early..live and learn. I know, I know we live only two hours away and you're saying why aren't they seasoned Rose Bowlers....We'll the truth of the matter is it has been a couple of years since I have been there, but we're all usually traveling in so many different directions in this great land of ours buying and the timing of the show at Matildas Mouse usually is way too close for us to use that as our primary shopping venue...so there you have it. We did have fun and when time allows, we'll be back 'ol Rose Bowl...I did take some pictures, but not nearly what I thought I would. It was just too darn hot!!
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