Hi Friends!
Well, the gals at Matilda’s are in the process of doing our “tear down” in the barn , in order to” set the stage” for our next event Feb. ,23,24, “Le Haute Boheme”!
What a “ kick” this show will be! Wik1epedia describes Haute Boheme as high class Bohemians from France. So, we’ll have a little French thrown in with a Gypsy/Bohemian feel to create this magnificent event for you!!
Do you have a touch of Gypsy/Boheme in you decorating…perhaps with color?…. Reds, pinks, aqua, turquoise, green, purple, and/or blue ?? It’s a fun style, and quite en vogue right now…check it out on Pinerest. It’s everything from a more relaxed style of fashion, to adding a splash of great color to a monochromatic room.
It seems everyone is craving Spring and color…So join us at Matilda’s Feb. 22,23,24 and get your color on!!

See you soon!!