A few months back
I watched Oprah
There was a gentleman guest
telling how we all have
that sixth sense…our internal voice.
He was saying that we all need to
learn to listen to that voice.
Well, naturally I told myself
That’s silly
of course, I ALWAYS
listen to my little voices
Now, normally I try to post pictures
full of eye candy for you all
I know that’s one reason why
we all blog…
to get inspiration
But tonight
I am compelled to do a different
take on what I normally post….
It’s a story…
A short story, I promise…
A story about my voices……….
For quite sometime I have been
joggling many “hats”,
like many others who I know can
certainly relate.
We operate our family business,
and my business
from our home.
I am a wife of 41 years,
mother and grandmother.
I watch my 7 month old grand
daughter 3 days a week
and in-between
try to do my part in putting
together a fantastic antique show
Matildas Mouse
once a month……….
SO…needless to say
I am a crazy woman sometimes…
no that’s most of the time….
trying to find amazing things for
the barn
balance the home life.
For the past month I have been
driving everywhere
on my days off
looking for those treasures…
from Phoenix,to LA
to the South of me, in San Diego.
And everyday,
I hear the same voice saying
“You need to get your brakes
My answer..
”Yes, I know! I will, I will!!
..just one more place
one more day
and I will take the time…
Well, I almost didn’t get that
Monday, I delivered some of my
finds to the barn
Was leaving to go down the Hill…
yes HILL..
Valley Center is in the Hills
in San Diego County
No matter which direction you go…
it’s down the HILL.
I got about 100 yards
from the barn
went to reach for my purse
and it happened…
None, notha, nothing!!
I was going only about 10 mph
I did a “Uie”
went straight back to the barn
…then I really heard that
same voice….
OH yes, yes, I heard you!
Thank you for the grace given me.
I will try to be a more humble
I know You always are
speaking to me….
It’s so very easy
to get caught up “junkin’ “
But the truth is …
well, the truth just is…
I pray that you all listen
to your inner voice…
It may be a matter of
life and death…..
My brakes are now fixed
I certainly know
my angels were watching over me!!