This morning when I awoke and read more about another and another blogger that is participating in this, I have changed my mind...Now... I am going to speak about my name. While I may not be the most eloquent writer, please know that this does come from my bare with me here gals.
While I was sitting and reading all these wonderful gals talking about there given names, as I said, I was having self doubt...Well, my Dad (who has passed) and I have this very special bond, even today..whew this is difficult. Anyway, I felt his presence, slapping me and saying "shame on you".
As a child I never much liked my name. Why did my parents name me such an odd name...why couldn't they name me something cute like Susie, Patty, or even my Mom's name Catherine? I think I struggled my entire childhood with my name.
Oddly enough, it wasn't until my Mom passed that I started to get it. For 30 years my Mom passionately studied and documented our family history. She wrote snail mail letters and patiently awaited answers. She and my Dad traveled numerous time all across the United States, so she could traipse through graveyards looking for our ancestors. They would go for hours to courthouses and libraries looking for clues on my family's genealogy.
When she passed as I was going through her affairs, I thought, "what am I going to do with all this "Stuff" that was her research, her life, her passion". Once again my Dad "slapped" me (he had already passed) telling me of course I would continue this in my Mom's honor.
Then came the how,... where,..ME? As I sorted through the piles and piles (like I said everything was snail mail and hand written...little computer usage here gals)of papers, court records, names dates....THERE IT answer...I had been named GALE after two of my grandfathers, Kenneth Gale Quade and William Gale Quade...
In all of my pity partying, I realized that I had forgotten that years ago Mom and Dad did tell me I was named after them, but they never made a big deal out if it, as I am sure that they thought I would just carry it proudly...But these are men names...not cut little girl's names....
Both Kenneth Gale and his father William Gale, as I have found, were very strong men, beating all kinds of odds. I won't get into that now, as I tend to get very passionate and carried away with my genealogy...YES, my genealogy in honor of my Mom and my family! And that's what my name means to and the carrying on, proudly of my ancestry.
I know this is long and laborious, so stay with me just a little longer... Through all this genealogy research (a researching of me) I now have a sense of pride for my name (only took about 50 years!!).
My middle name is LEE...named for my Mom's surname and our direct connection to Robert E. Lee! My maiden name is Quade, derived from McQuade. The Mc was dropped with the McQuades came to the United States from Ireland in 1818. They lived amongst the Italian community in New York and there was much discrimination against the Irish in those days, so the Mc was dropped to blend into the community better. Now I know why they're called the "Fighting Irish"!!
My married name is Payne. Here again my genealogy has been quite the blessing. My husband's family never knew anything about his family's history. One day I googled his mother's surname...and what do you know, it took me to places I never dreamed...In short, I now have his family history on both of his parent's side and even traced ,and now documented, back to Revolutionary times....
Where does this get me and what does it all mean to me...
Well, first and foremost, I carried on my Mother's dream, secondly I have now a legacy to pass on to my children and their children, and lastly I am finally proud of each and every name I have GALE LEE QUADE PAYNE.
As for my daughters came up with this name "Wizard of Once Was" They told me they were always amazed at what I could create, literally out of nothing...hence the name...thank you girls it's been a wonderful journey,.. this blogging world.
Well, there you have it ME...just me. Have a great day and do go over and visit Sares blog as you also my find that you do love your name after all!
My Very best to you all,