Hi friends. Today was opening day of our monthly event at Matilda’s Mouse…”Around the World in Eighty Days”. We have so many fabulous vignettes, representing different countries, France, Sweden, Italy,Germany,and USA, to name a few.
Here is our opening vignette…Matilda’s version of a hot air balloon!!
Did you say you wanted to go to Paris?
How about Germany….
A little bit of Sweden
How about some good’ ol camping in the USA
Finally, here are a few shots from my area at Matilda’s. I went with a French Garden theme. The bench in front was actually imported from Paris, France….it’s amazing and solid iron!!
I hope if you didn’t get a chance to come to Matildas Mouse, today you’ll come Saturday or Sunday to enjoy this fabulous event! There are treasures galore!! Remember we shopped for an entire month to bring you unbelievable treasures from Paris, London, Versailles (Kentucky that is!), Tennessee, and Iowa! We are opened Saturday and Sunday 10 to 5 daily. If you can’t come this weekend, at the top of my blog I have posted the dates of our future events! Hope to see you soon!!
Hi all! Our next show at Matilda’s Mouse is approaching in 2 weeks from Friday, it’s July 20,21,22. It will be our Around the World in 80 Days Event and already we have so many amazing plans being implemented for this fun event! In light of this upcoming production, ‘ah I mean show…, Marla and I are taking to the skies! “ We’re leaving on a jet Plane”…but I promise we do know “when we’ll be back again” We’re off on a fun filled buying trip. We’re going to find so many fabulous treasures not only for this show but for many of our upcoming shows….We’re talking truck load here folks!! So mark you calendars for this July 20,21,22..you really want to be at Matilda’s Mouse….It will amaze you, I promise!! Soooo the next time I’ll be blogging I’m going to tease, tease.tease you with a few pics from our trip. We’re off……